I think it’s both, but probably leaning more towards ethos.
Answer:The statement “No students should be expelled from school” has so little words but huge meaning to me. Although my opinion to agree or disagree with this statement truely depends on the situation, the tone and voice of this statement does not. I believe that this has a straight forward and set down tone. Almost making the statement seem like it's talking to you. Telling you what is right and what is wrong. It may be short and possibly underdeveloped but it does not hold back on the brain. Even with having an ever changing opinion on this topic I still can feel that essance of an answer coming from it. As if the statement it self is the answer regardless of what I have to say.
With my opinion not yet in hand I must say I agree with this statement. That no students should be expelled from school. For no reason at all unless it is a legal concern. Meaning that unless somebody’s rights are being taken away or violated in an illegal fashion this rule should always apply. Considering we as humans have many rights applying towards us such as the 1st amendment being Freedom Of Speech it's just apparent that this should apply to everyone. Not just my school or the nearest school but every school in the united states. So it's not just my opinion but the constitution and laws opinion that no student should be expelled, but thats only considering ONE of the many reasons to this opinion of mine. There are so many logical reasons as to why I 100% agree with the statement “No Students should be expelled from school.”
Now I know this is knowhere near perfect at all but I wrote this as fast as I could to prevent atleast getting an F.
iajks d help jaksbs me :((( is skdjd djek
The answer is B as it is the clearest and correct.