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Legionnaires disease is a type of lung inflammatory disease or pneumonia, which is caused by infection from the bacteria Legionella bacterium.
Legionella bacterium can be spread by inhalation from water or soil. People with weakened immune systems are most susceptible as are smokers. Untreated legionnaires disease can progress to a fatality.
Some of the questions to ask of a victim or of surviving relatives include;
1) Any visits to swimming pools?
2) Source of drinking water?
3)Any visits to fountains?
4) Contacts with victims and their personal belongings?
5)Is any relative or victim immunocompromised? Do they have diseases that might lower their immune response?
6) Are they smokers?
A compass
The Earth's magnetic field, provided by the magnet in a compass, shows the direction of the north and south poles.
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