Mouth, throat, small and large intestine
because it needs all the other stuff
self-copying molecules ate the primordial soup
Following are the solution to the given points:
In point a:
When a light absorption dye was to be introduced to optimize the plant's absorbing capacity, the paint could absorb wide different wavelengths besides the observable light spectrum. It must also absorb the UV only at IR light rate to maximize the fluorescence intensity.
In point b:
Its molecule in the production of pentose sugar is the nitrogen and hydrogen atoms of carbon dioxide and water ions of air. Its water oxygen atoms are emitted through oxygen atoms during this phase.
In point c:
Its plant increased with weight while decreasing the weight of the earth, so because manufactured goods needed for plant growth are carbon dioxide from water and air, provided to a plant every day and nitrogen extracted from of the atmosphere through means of microbial materials into nitrogen. So, even if the plant raised its weight, the soil does not change the weight.