2ft × 2ft × 2ft is 8ft cubed
What is the mean of your data 341, 237, 143,185,248,403,374,451,84,267,178,258,284,465,224
weqwewe [10]
The mean for the given set of numbers is 276.133..... repeated
Step-by-step explanation:
To find this you must add the numbers up together and divide them by the amount of numbers there is.
<span> 2.632 x 10^4 ÷ 2 x 10-7 =
1.316 x 10^11
8 is 6.2
9 is 7
The pattern here is +0.8.
4.6 - 3.8=0.8
5.4-4.6=0.8, and so on