10 to 100 times more
found it on heredity exam 3
The way you address an audience will influence the way they respond to your message. By using personal touch you approach the potential client (supposing it is a client) in a more friendly way, action-oriented language catches the reader/listener's attention and avoids redundancies, confidence is a key element to show certainty about your proposal, and of course, positivity emphasizes a positive action.
"Nice Poem, Now Eat the Potatoes."
- Irish Farmer
By “long-term challenges to our fiscal health”, President George W Bush means the things that will slow government spending.
- In his 2006 budget message, President George W Bush speaks about restraining the government expenditure in order to meet the near term and the long term fiscal challenges facing the country.
- In order to reduce the fiscal deficit, President Bush had planned to implement his plan of cutting down the expenditure on numerous policies and schemes run by the government.