B) travel back in time, cook food, and win a prize
B. Executive because the president is in the executive department or branch. It could not be administrative because that is not one of the three departments or branches.
Martin Luther King Jr.
And because i would want to know how he felt at the time during the civil rights movement, And i would of wanted to get to know him.
La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.
A pesar de que no se anexan opciones o incisos para responder a la pregunta, podemos comentar lo siguiente.
Explique por qué el poder ejecutivo tiene tantos controles sobre los poderes que tiene. ¿De qué querían estar seguros los primeros estadounidenses?
Los Padres fundadores como Benjamín Franklin, Alexander, Hamilton, James Madison o Thomas Jefferson, fueron conscientes de que el gobierno federal de la nueva nación -los Estados Unidos- debería constituirse bajo un esquema de división de poderes que equilibrara a los tres niveles del gobierno federal: el Ejecutivo, e Legislativo y el Judicial.
Por esa razón, los Padres Fundadores quería estar seguros de que en realidad existiera siempre un equilibrio entre esos tres poderes. Entonces fue que crearon el sistema que llamaron "checks and balances," que pudiera traducirse al Español como "el sistema que regula y equilibra el poder de los tres niveles de gobierno.
El objetivo era claro, que ninguno de los tres poderes tuviera más facultades que los otros dos.
Es decir, que hubiera mecanismos legales para que el Congreso controlara a la Suprema Corte de Justicia, y ésta a su vez al Congreso. Lo mismo con el Presidente, que tuviera poderes sobre el Congreso, pero que el Congreso también tuviera facultades sobre el Presidente.
The Holocaust is a term used to describe the systematic mass slaughter of European Jews and others in Nazi concentration camps during World War II.
Holocaust" is a term that means "burning the whole thing." It comes from terms related to burnt offerings of animals in ancient religions. Essentially, the unwanted Jews and others in Germany were treated like animals to be slaughtered. You can find appearances of the term "holocaust" in use already during World War II, such as the records of Britain's House of Lords in 1943 noting that a member there had asserted that "the Nazis go on killing" and urging some relaxing of immigration rules so that "some hundreds, and possibly a few thousands, might be enabled to escape from this <u>holocaust</u>.” But the term gained its main currency as historians in the 1950s began to use the term in reference to the Nazi's campaign of genocide.
By the way, the term "genocide" is another that came into use around the same time. Raphael Lemkin, a Polish legal scholar (of Jewish ethnicity) had been studying the problem of mass killings of a people group since the 1920s, in regard to Turkish slaughter of Armenians in 1915. He coined the term "genocide" in 1944, in reference also to the Holocaust. The term uses Greek language roots and means "killing of a race" of people. Lemkin served as an advisor to Justice Robert Jackson, the lead prosecutor at the Nuremberg trials. "Crimes against humanity" was the charge used at the Nuremberg trials, since no international legal definition of "genocide" had yet been accepted. Ultimately, Lemkin was able to persuade the United Nations to accept the definition of genocide and codify it into international law.