Option: A period of scientific achievement and artistic triumph where people believed that all problems and mysteries could be solved by the application of Reason.
Enlightenment was an intellectual movement that controlled the ideas in Europe during the 18th century. Thinkers began an intellectual journey indicating the reason, skepticism, individualism, and science. Enlightenment science greatly valued experimentation and rational thought with reasons and scientific experiments. Some of the famous scientific persons were Copernicus, Kepler, and Newton.
he Battle of Britain was the first major campaign to be fought entirely by air forces, and was also the largest and most sustained aerial bombing campaign to that date. The Battle of Britain marked the first defeat of Hitler's military forces
Finally they beat him.
Answer: The purpose of the footnote to paragraph 4 is that It provides an additional fact related to the Civil War.
checks and balances or maybe veto? I don't truly understand your question, sorry.
Number one:
C. Locke: Two Treatises of Government
Number two:
Magna Carta.
Number three:
D. Articles of Confederation.