Answer: It is known as ecological homeostasis to the exchange that takes place between diverse natural means that allow to maintain a balance within an ecosystem. These adjustments are considered necessary to achieve survival. Usually these homeostatic balances can be understood by observing populations or systems that depend on each other.
The one next to your thumb is called the fore finger, pointer finger, or index finger.
Of the total amount of glucose energy consumed by the body each day, about 20% is used by the brain and nerve cells.
The brain constitutes about 2% of the total body but it is one of the main consumers of energy derived from glucose.
The energy provided by glucose is used for the proper functioning of the brain. It generates ATP which is an energy source that is responsible for r neuronal and non-neuronal cellular maintenance and generates neurotransmitters.
Thus glucose-derived energy is critical for the health of the brain. Lack of energy can cause several brain diseases.
If you need to learn more about glucose energy, click here