yes you are correct but you can also be wrong it depends on how bad the heart attacks were and how many they had my grandma had one heart attack and now she takes aspirin and she hasnt had a heart attack since.
Explanation: my grandma suffered from a heart attack one year ago ive been helping around at the house for her she is doing so much better all you have to do is ask how many times they had a heart attack and ask if aspirin has helped with differnt stuff.
The woman having extremely poor nutrition in the first and last trimester of pregnancy may cause bad condition of the mother and child later resulting in complications.
The nutritional status of a woman before and during pregnancy plays a vital role in fetal growth and development. The basic principles of healthy eating remain the same, though requirements for some nutrients (eg iron, folic acid) may increase. Pregnancy is a period when nutrient intake is extremely important to meet the mother’s usual requirements, needs of the growing fetus, and to store nutrients required for fetal development and lactations. So, better nutrition is related to improved infant, child, and maternal health ,stronger immune systems, safer pregnancy and childbirth, lower risk of non-communicable diseases.
Learn more about Pregnancy here-
Answer Abnormal protein buildup, called amyloidosis
The blood clots are built up blood that has been sitting in our uterus during our ovulation time. Our period is basically our uterus preparing for a baby (which we don’t have) so all the blood lines up on the uterus line until it’s our time of month.