C)Allusion is an indirect reference to someone or something from literature or history.
Allusion is a direct or indirect reference to a person, event, or thing or to a part of another text from literature or history. Allusions are used by writers based on the assumption that the reader would understand what the writer is talking about.
An example of an Allusion is "France is as beautiful as the garden of Eden". The garden of Eden is a biblical allusion found in the bible in the book of Genesis.
The kind of error that occurs is:
B. a pronoun shift error.
Take a look at the following sentence:
"One could have done better if we had studied harder."
See how the sentence begins by using "one" and then suddenly shifts to "we"? This is an example of a pronoun shift error. The pronoun "we" does not agree with "one".
Let's analyze another example:
"Someone is knocking; and they seem to be in a hurry."
Although that is a common structure in colloquial speech, it is incorrect. "Someone" is a third-person singular word, so the pronouns that refer to it should be "he" or "she". "They" is a third-person plural pronoun. Therefore, this example too shows a pronoun shift error.
The three communication bits of advice I would give Sara to improve her communication with her boss are:
1.- Start with a context phrase about climate, journey, day.
2.- Always talk with a soft voice and nod
3.- Board the topics with proactive approaches.
the reasons behind these bits of advice are that in the first place to start a conversation we can ask about the environment, the journey the person had to reach its current location, or the day he or she has had. This is a very natural way to establish trust. Second, talking with a soft voice and nodding allows the listener to receive a positive response to his or her comments. Third, being proactive and always trying to build from all perspective will allow the participants to have a comfortable vibe that will allow them to share their thoughts because they are being understood,
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