I have no idea, but the same thing is happening to me. But if ppl reply quickly maybe they won’t be able to delete them.
A compound noun contains two or more words that join together to make a single noun, like "keyboard." A compound noun is a type of compound word that is used to designate a person, place, or thing. Compound nouns can be formed in several ways, which is one reason why writing these words can be tricky.
Examples: noun + noun bedroom water tank motorcycle printer cartridge
noun + verb rainfall haircut train-spotting
noun + adverb hanger-on passer-by
verb + noun washing machine driving licence swimming pool
The three main purposes for writing are to persuade, inform, and entertain.
to spend time with your friends and family
WW2, Romanian, The largest and most notorious nazi extermination camp, He wrote the book to show his experiences to people and how those experiences impacted him as a person and his Jewish faith.
Official definition of 2:
The Auschwitz concentration camp was a complex of over 40 concentration and extermination camps operated by Nazi Germany in occupied Poland during World War II and the Holocaust. It consisted of Auschwitz I, the main camp (Stammlager) in Oświęcim; Auschwitz II-Birkenau, a concentration and extermination camp built with several gas chambers, and many others that don't really apply to your question.