A vacuole is a membrane-bound organelle. They are a kind of vesicle. Vacuoles are closed sacs, made of membranes with inorganic or organic molecules inside, such as enzymes. They have no set shape or size, and the cell can change them as it wants.
Water is predominantly found in cell sap. It serves as a storehouse for the plant cell to act as a storage place for excess nutrients. A vacuole is a membrane-enclosed fluid filled sac.
The atomic number of an element is the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom of that element.
Atoms with the same number of protons, but a different number of neutrons are called isotopes.
A basic and a non-invasive test done in pregnancies during the course of 28 weeks of gestation is termed as a fetal non-stress test. It is termed non-stress as no stress is imparted on the fetus while performing the examination. The main objective of the test is to determine the fetus's heart rate at the time of its movement.
In the test, it can be seen that the heart rate of the fetus gets increased each time it moves, which shows that the baby is healthy as the heart rate goes up when it moves and goes down during its resting stage. The principle behind the test is that for proper well-being of the fetus, sufficient oxygen is needed and heart rate should come in normal ranges.
The properties of the original elements are completely changed.
For example, in the compound called "iron(II) sulphide", it is composed of iron and sulphur, that are chemically combined together. The element iron is attracted to magnets. Meanwhile, iron(II) sulphide is not attracted to magnets.
Another example is where sulphur has a yellow colour, but iron(II) sulphide has a brownish colour. As we can see, even the physical properties (colours) are completely different.
Therefore, the properties of the original elements are completely changed when they're combined into compounds.