<span>Many high school English programs are not very good at getting students ready for college. My brother took easy courses at his high school, like flicks courses, sci-fi courses, you know. Well, he flunked out of English at college. My sister thought she was taking real hard courses at her high school, but she fell flat as a pancake at State U
I believed this is what you asked to do!</span><span />
Assimilationists is the encouragement by some americans.
Hope this helps...
The "me" is sentence 1 should be "I". The "our's" in the parentheses should be "ours", and the "me" should be "I" again. The "I" in the 2nd sentence after the parentheses should be "me". The "our's" in the 4th sentence after the parentheses should be "ours". In the sentence after, the "him" should be "he". In the sentence "The choice of party theme was her's", the "her's" should be "hers". And, in the sentence "They are afraid that friends won't come to their's if...", the "their's" should be "theirs". Finally, the "I" in the second to last sentence should be "me".