The answer is third-generation jail. The concept behind the emergence of third-generation jails is mainly to promote a more humane treatment to convicted inmates. Compared to the first and second- generation jails, third-generation jails were proven to be more successful in providing a more normalized environment and safety amongst inmates and the staff overseeing them. The inmates were provided with better basic commodities and recreational activities. This type of jail was also deemed safer than the old jail structures.
It was important because it brought water to the crops
an issue network
An issue network -
It is the practice , where certain group of people come together in order to work for a common goal or activity , is referred to as an issue network.
The issue network can be domestic as well as international .
Many online and social media platform are used in order to perform an issue network.
Hence, from the question, the correct term for the given information of the question is an issue network.
matrix structure
Matrix management or structure refers to an organizational structure that allows individuals report to more than one supervisor or leader or superior. This is exemplified above where a professor reports to an academic supervisor in his field and also reports to a supervisor in a Master's degree program. This organizational arrangement or structure sets up reporting relationships in a grid or matrix fashion where there is dual role rather than in a traditional hierarchy.