is 1
because 1+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0=1
D. Genetic recombination would not occur.
If this did not occur, all individuals would be identical to its parent unless a mutation occurred.
They are SIMILAR Because: all are covered with shallow layers of water during some or all of the year
They are DIFFERENT Because : bogs are found in cooler, Northern areas , tend to be acidic , and contain many mosses. marshes are usually grassy . swamps have many trees and shrubs, and are found in the warm and humid southern United States (:
Well water mollusks live underwater and land mollusks live on land
A) to determine amino acid sequence of the protein produced by that gene. We will use cDNA library, we will hybridize given part of DNA sequence ( as this part only contains exon part). Than we will isolate the hybridize part and translate this sequence using generic coding table.
B) for determine presence or absence of introns in gene used isolated cDNA in first question. Now we will add this cDNA to DNA library. Here cDNA due to complementary mature binds with DNA. If cDNA binds completely with gene with out looping part of gene it shows that gene is having only exons .
And if along with hybridization part some looped part present in between-- it shows both exons and intron are present.
C) for determining alternative splicing we will use cDNA library.
d) to determine length of mature mRNA which includes both the UTR and poly A sequence we will go for cDNA cloning and look for particular cDNA complementary to DNA segments. And later we isolate that cDNA and examine its whole length
E) to determine which cells in the tribble body express this particular mRNA . We use fluorescent tagged small DNA part provided. Then we will add this DNA probe to supplied tribes. The cells which are expressing , will have cDNA will bind to probe and florescent can be detected. Cells which are not expressing that gene, here probe will not bind and no fluorescence.
F) to determine that whose blood strain is this. We will do VBTR profiling . Which VNTR profiling similar to belief stain help to determine which blood stain is this.