Positive: Decimals are a part of a whole just like fractions are a part of a whole. Therefore, a positive decimal is always greater than a negative decimal.
Negative: When you have two negative decimals, the one closer to zero is always greater. The farther a negative decimal is from zero, the smaller its value.
All of it put together (same text as above):
Decimals are a part of a whole just like fractions are a part of a whole. Therefore, a positive decimal is ALWAYS greater than a negative decimal. When you have two negative decimals, the one closer to zero is always greater. The farther a negative decimal is from zero, the smaller its value.
Step-by-step explanation:
so first you graph the triangle
count how many units one point is from the other point
and if it's hard to count the units (maybe bc the line is diagonal) use the distance formula or the Pythagorean theorem
the boy runs onto the woods
Step-by-step explanation:
verb: a word that describes an action
so the answer is runs