The main goal of imperialists was to enrich the home countries. They would colonize Africa and use the colonists as cheap labor force, often as slaves, and would produce things that were cheaper and would take all of their resources and sell them or manufacture things from them. This would bring wealth to the colonizer but no wealth to the colony itself.
Madison is of the opinion that the national government is also federal, with the concept of it being more stronger and influential when viewed in contrast to the states that should boost the 'probability of duration, promoting happiness and good order'.
Madison made an effort to bring clarity to the idea of possessing a national government in a federal system to explain that the national government ought to be federal because if its has more power when compared to the states, it would lead to the rise and blooming of happiness and good order.
The first culture was Clovis culture of Paleo-Indians. But later on there was American Indians of the Mogollon and Ancestral Pueblo peoples cultures.
Under the ordinance, slavery was forever outlawed from the lands of the Northwest Territory, freedom of religion and other civil liberties were guaranteed, the resident Indians were promised decent treatment, and education was provided for.
A monarchy is a type of government ruled by a hereditary ruler, such as a king or queen. A theocracy, on the other hand, is a system where a small group of religious leaders rule in the name of a god. A monarch who claims the divine right of kings uses their religion to justify their position of power. (See image: Courtesy of A monarch can claim to rule by god's will, but doesn't have to be a religious leader.