Using the knowledge of pseudocodes it will be possible to write a code that calculates the amount of hours worked and giving warnings about it.
<h3>Writing a pseudocode we have that:</h3>
<em>while </em>
<em>if number == 0</em>
<em>hours =0 </em>
<em>for i =1 to 5 </em>
<em>hours = hours + time_out[ i ] - time_in[ i ]</em>
<em> If hours >36 : </em>
<em>print ( "Name is " ,name)</em>
<em>print( "No of hours are ",hours)</em>
<em>print("Congratulaion! Your working hours are more than 36")</em>
<em>If hours <30 : #</em>
<em>print ( "Name is " ,name)</em>
<em>print( "No of hours are ",hours)</em>
<em>print("Warning !!!")</em>
<em>End loop</em>
See more about pseudocode at
She would use a microphone. A joystick and mouse are two answers we could eliminate immediately. Seeing as she is an aspiring lyricist means she is in the music industry, so she wold need to use a microphone to be able to record.
Command prompt is the answer and on Apple devices it is called Terminal.
def isAnagram(s1, s2):
sortedlist1 = sorted(list1)
sortedlist2 = sorted(list2)
if sortedlist1 == sortedlist2:
print(list1+ " and "+list2+ " are anagram")
print(list1+ " and "+list2+ " are not anagram")
Here is a call to the function isAnagram():
list1 =input("Enter String1 ")
list1 =input("Enter String2 ")
Attached is the run and output for this program