B. She could have a higher risk of skeletal fractures.
Calcium is one of the minerals essential for the human body. It improves bone strength and firmness as well as affects good tooth and nail health. Doctor tells Lisa that she needs to use calcium and eat more foods with it as a preventative to avoid unnecessary bone problems later in her life.
In addition to calcium having a good effect on the bones, it is also less known to have a good effect on the nerves.
Foods that contain a lot of calcium:
- milk
- cereals
- southern fruits
- fish
- vegetables
- mushrooms
- fruits, etc.
Based from a huge study that was done with 5,500 respondents who lived in Europe from childhood through late adulthood found that eveningness peaked at ages a. 20 to 21 years.
The study’s results mean that a lot of people are in the stage of peak alertness during the age of 20 to 21 years old. This age is the stage of a person’s life where they are in the young adulthood stage.
They are most likely to experince Breakdowns
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