Monitor is not a hardware component
Answer: misconception
Explanation: misconception are usually what a person percieves the other person expression is just by thinking about it. Based on our thinking, misconception is our incorrect view about someone. It may be due to the person's character at that particular time, or facial expressions that we usually jump into conclusion. Misconception interfere with learning if it comes into play and can even distort a teaching-learning process.
Health Belief Model
The Health Belief Model posits that the perceived threat of a disease and the belief in the efficacy of a health plan will motivate a person to adopt a behavior or action. For this model to be truly applicable, there would be a
- Perceived susceptibility: This means that the person believes that he or she stands the risk of having the disease.
- Perceived benefits: If a certain cause of action seems effective, the individual is likely to adopt it since it is beneficial.
- Cue to action: These are indicators that move a person to change. Some of them include; the sickness of an acquaintance, a health awareness program, or even a symptom like pain.
Juliet inquires as to whether he truly loves her, having come to acknowledge that Romeo may effortlessly deceive her with a specific end goal to exploit her. Juliet is worried that Romeo may figure she can easily be taken in light of the fact that she isn't distant.
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