Beyond his personal success, Equiano's book made a vital contribution to the abolitionist cause. His story refuted many of the racist stereotypes and misconceptions that were prominent at the time as he gave the public an opportunity to see slavery through the eyes of a former slave. (Make sure to write this in your own words! :) )
Many literary devices fall under the category of "figure of speech," which previous Educators have identified in preceding answers. This answer will call attention to those figures of speech in "If" which are commonly understood maxims or scenarios in English-speaking culture. There are indeed certain tropes which we turn to time and again to make meaningful comparisons to real life phenomena.
The following words should be capitalized: B) A, D) Sound, and C) Thunder.
When it comes to the names of novels an such, all words (except for prepositions and linking verbs) should be capitalized. For example - The Lord of the Rings, A Sound of Thunder, etc.
C. "Wearing a wet half smile, her ancient dog sullenly waddled toward me like Yoda greeting Luke." —Student essay