Check for possible software updates, my reasoning for that is the computer could be trying to initiate an update but is stopped by the user if you don't want it to update go to settings and turn off auto update
There is also an attachment below
Since we are talking about binary search, let's assume that the items are sorted according to some criteria.
Time complexity of binary search is O(logN) in worst case, best case and average case as well. That means it can search for an item in Log N time where N is size of the input. Here problem talks about the item not getting found. So, this is a worst case scenario. Even in this case, binary search runs in O(logN) time.
N = 700000000.
So, number of comparisions can be log(N) = 29.3 = 29.
So, in the worst case it does comparisions 29 times
4, 1, and 3
The last one I am going to say three because I know that friends show other friends so I wouldn’t call that “private”
Answer: A.F.S- known as Andrew File System.
This is a distributed network file system created to handle large multiclient database. It support Information sharing on a large scale by reducing client-server communication.