The French and the Poles
Germany lost part of its western land to the French and some of its easetern half to Poland.
The Native American tribe called the Muscogee, or Creek, occupy some land in present day Alabama, Georgia, and Florida. Their capital is based in Oklahoma.
One reason we are more free today is we have more technology which gives us the capability to freely talk to one another and express our ideas in a public forum.
The second reason is that frequently things like minimum wage go up making it so workers are being able to bring in more of a living.
One reason we are less free now is also based on technology our privacy is basically nonexistent in modern times the government can look into your searches your pictures use your cameras and use street cameras everywhere to keep tabs on people whether or not we think it we have very little privacy.
The second reason is politically when it comes to voting a single persons voice is rarely heard nay a single counties voice is rarely heard for instance in the past election NY the majority of counties voted red but the larger ones voted blue so NY was a blue state. On the flip side though Hillary Clinton won the popular vote and yet Donald Trump won the election which is yet another way it happened.
High use of fertilizers and pesticides leading to degradation in the fertility of the level of the soil.
Green revolution was started with the aim of increasing the level of production of the farm and to bring in new and innovative ways and methods to increase the productivity.
This helped the farmers to increase their yield and there fore their income for their survival. But with these positive effects, it also had some negative effects like there was excessive use of pesticides and fertilizers due to which the level of fertility of the soil degraded and fell down.
B) They are both primary sources regarding the Thirteenth Amendment.
The first source is from the Constitution itself, the second is from a newspaper written at the time the amendment was created.