Hydrogen is more frequently bonded with Carbon.
<em>The dissolved gases produce violent eruption as they escape.
Magma contains dissolved gases and these dissolved gases induce vapor <em>pressure on the magma.</em> The magma is able to remain in the dissolved state itself without erupting because this vapor pressure is less than the confining pressure of the <em>rock surrounding the magma. </em>
One the vapor pressure exceeds this confining pressure the dissolved gases begin to expand and<em> forms small gas bubbles</em>.
The <em>density of these gas bubbles</em> called vesicles is less than the density of magma and thus naturally tries to push out. When the gas bubbles escape the magma is also pushed out. Thus greater <em>amount of dissolved gases result in violent eruptions.
long term heart promblems
long term lungs and liver
Commensal= mites and larger insecta who fly. Hermit crabs and shells of other organisms. Remora fish and whales. tree frogs and plants.
Parasitic= tick and dogs, tapeworm in humans, Barnacles and whales
Commensalism is when one species benefits and the other is neither helped or harmed. Parasitism is when one benefits and the other is harmed.