Credit card disclosure statements include almost everything you need to know about credit cards. The statements include the APR rates, Annual Fee, Late Fees, and Introductory Rates. Annual Percentage Rates are one of the most important things to do with credit cards. They are the costs of the loan each year expressed as a percentage. Loans are used for pretty much everything nowadays. Most people only use them for things like buying cars or buying a house. Lenders for loans often check your credit score, years of employment and other things. Having credit card debt affects your ability to get loans. That is why it’s important to pay off credit cards on time rather then late. Disclosure statements help everyone figure out the information on their credit card and their payments.
The benefits of Inventory Pooling includes:
- centralizing inventory into fewer locations thus reducing safety stocks and the amount of inventory needed in the supply chain.
- Pulling back inventory when firms have too much at retail level.
inventory pooling is an operational strategy used to increase efficiency in stock management and analysis.
It is a supply chain tool that consolidates multiple inventory locations into a single one.
It is a centralized system that helps with stock keeping. It makes projections easier and helps manage shortfalls that may arise due to demand uncertainty.
It is cost effective by reducing cost of employing more staff and reduces the percentage error due to the centralized portal.
By reducing operational costs, profit is maximized.
If for every $10 increase sales drop by 3 units when you increase to $300 you will lose 30 units.
($10)(10) = 100
(10)(3) = 30
60 units - 30 units = 30 units.
($300)(30) = $9,000 is your weekly revenue at a price of $300 per unit.
The correct answer is letter "A": Resource scarcity.
Resource scarcity is the basic economic problem by which individuals have unlimited wants and needs but rely on limited sources to fulfill them. Because of this situation, individuals have to trade-off the satisfaction of part of some needs so others can be satisfied as well.
In the example, <em>the scarce resource is the milk that is useful to produce cheese for the pizzas sold in Wisbane.</em>
The process by which members of an organization choose a specific course of action to respond to both problems and opportunities.
-number of alternatives
-information available to the option
-timeframe relatively long
Phases for decision making:
-acquiring and perceiving info or cues for the decision
-generating and selecting hypotheses or situation assessments