The organisms that thrive at deep-sea vents and seeps have to survive freezing cold, perpetual darkness, high-pressure, and toxic chemicals. For this reason, they are often called "extreme"ex tr em op hi l es for the extreme nature of their living conditions. I don't know
Lyophilization Methods of microbial control do not rely on protein denaturation and/or disruption of cell membrane integrity
Lyophilization Freeze-drying or freeze-drying is the process of freezing the product and placing it under vacuum, then removing the water from the product, allowing the ice cream to go directly from solid to vapor without going through a liquid phase. Freeze-drying is a water removal process commonly used to preserve perishable materials, extend shelf life, or make materials easier to transport. Freeze-drying is to sublime the frozen water in the material by lowering the pressure and applying heat after freezing the material. Lyophilization converts pharmaceuticals into stable solids by removing water from liquids
To know more about freeze-drying visit:
When Amanda poured some of the liquid in a test tube, she noticed that the edges of the water curved upward, which is an example of adhesion.
When Pol filled another test tube to the top, the liquid formed a low dome, which is evidence of cohesion.
When Amanda added table salt to the first test tube and shook it, she noted that the liquid had dissolved the solute.
All of these observations indicated the presence of covalent bonds.
Pol determined that the pH of the sample is 7, which shows the sample is neutral.
Based on all of the evidence Amanda and Pol gathered, the unknown liquid is water.
In the lysogenic cycle, the viral genome gets incorporated into the host genome and replicates with the host genome. In the lysogenic cycle, no proteins and enzymes of the virus are formed while in the lytic cycle protein of viral capsid form and new phages generate in the host cell.
So as the viral genome integrates into the host genome in the lysogenic cycle, therefore, it is difficult for any drug to differentially act on the viral genome. So there are great chances for drugs to target the host genome in the host cell.
But in virus that replicates through lytic cycle drugs can selectively act on viral enzyme and proteins. Therefore it is difficult to make a drug that affects lysogenic virus.