I think the above statement is false. I believe people use sugar substitutes and fat replacers for the purpose of helping control their weight, to limit the symptoms and risk of conditions such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases adn cancer and to prevent tooth decay, the subject of whether the two helps in the indicated is debatable. However, current research does not show that they help people reduce calorie intake or prevent obesity.
La síntesis de proteínas se realiza en los ribosomas situados en el citoplasma celular. En el proceso de síntesis, los aminoácidos son transportados por ARN de transferencia correspondiente para cada aminoácido hasta el ARN mensajero donde se unen en la posición adecuada para formar las nuevas proteínas.
The kingdom of fungi is made up of variety of organisms, such as mushrooms, yeast, molds, etc. The organisms in this kingdom live by decomposing and absorbing the organic molecules on which they grow.
The major characteristics of the organisms in the fungi kingdom is that they possess hyphae, which they use for absorption of nutrients.
The organisms in the fungi kingdom are multi cellular eukaryortic and are incapable of producing their own food, that is, they are heterotrophs.
<span>All four nucleotides (adenine, guanine, thymine, cytosine) are synthesized in the liver. The nucleotides can be synthesized de novo or recycled through salvage pathways. The synthesis occurs in the cytoplasm of the cell, not within a specific organelle. The components which are used for the nucleotide synthesis are derived from biosynthetic precursors of carbohydrate and amino acid metabolism, and from ammonia and CO2.</span>