C)Congressional state delegates were to be chose annually is true of the governmental structure set forth in the Articles of Confederation. This is exactly why they were seen as weak documents by the Federalists, because there was no bicameralism, no centralized government and no set of government branches, the Articles of Confederation (as they saw it) were merely set up to explain how to handle diplomatic relations.
Beneficios: Introdujo el Catolicismo a América
Desventajas: Perdimos nuestras religiones y costumbres
Beneficios: Pudo ser globalizado el continente y obtuvo una apertura al mundo avanzado lo cual le permitio el avanze economico acorde con las del mundo.
Desventajas: Las poblaciones de las grandes naciones americanas fueron azotadas por las enfermedad y la discriminación mientras que los nativos americanos del norte fueron expulsados de sus tierra y encerrados en recerbaciones.
Espero que te haya ayudado! Si necesitas algo más preugntame! :)
They took the place of men in many war industries
He used the best and low price and he used monpolization. Welcome:)
Here is a example
The new United States government was thus free to acquire Native American lands by treaty or force. Resistance from the tribes stopped the encroachment of settlers, at least for a while. After the Revolutionary War, the United States maintained the British policy of treaty-making with the Native American tribes