For some reason I have a little bit of doubt that this is related to your schoolwork, however this is important to learn to not do so by mistake. This would take a few minutes of inhaling fumes and is a very painful way to die. Even if it doesn't kill you, exposure can lead to brain damage and chemical burns. 5-10 minutes of non ventilated inhaling.
Head injury, as your head is your skull, damaging your skull is very serious as your brain is located there and damaging your brain could probably kill or limit some abilities
I would say B because keeping things the same doesn’t really relate to wellness
1. Why do government agencies conduct nutritional research? to give out accurate nutritionalinformation on food 2. Describe three examples of health information that has come from the Nurses’ Health Study. Itincludes a very large population. Individuals are committed and interested in participating in thestudy. It assesses various factors, such as diet, exercise, family history, and the use of oralcontraceptives.Publications of the Nurses’ Study results are available from 1978 onward.Thestudy has followed individuals for nearly 40 years.3. When assessing nutritional health, what does laboratory testing monitor?Blood lipids, glucose,vitamin and mineral status4. Describe three results of healthy lifestyle changes.All of these factors can impact overallphysical, mental, and emotional well-being.5. What happens to the body when you exercise? taring muscle fibers to then be replenished by atpsynthesis to regenerate or to increase in size
(there's the first part)