B. telecommuting
Telecommuting is the process where the workers working from home telework or work remotely.
Imagine you're watching a scary movie: Wisconsin Weed-Whacker Massacre. There's a deranged lunatic in the house, and he's carrying a turbo-charged weed-whacker! While the main character, a cute teenage girl, was pouring a glass of milk in the kitchen, the audience sees the madman tiptoe up the stairs and slip into the hall closet. Minutes later our sweet teen star bops up to the second floor with her ear buds in, singing to herself. She reaches toward the closet door, but at the last minute decides what she wants is down the hall. When she turns away, the door creaks open, the prowler steps into the hallway behind her and revs up his trimmer.
C. The author uses a simile to compare the feeling of nervousness to melting because the sentence uses the word "like," which is an underlying hint to similes. Without it, it would be a metaphor.
3 The Sonnet Close Reading of a Poem The overall theme of the poem is one of attention seeking behavior, for those that do not wish to live, or are looking for an escape from the reality of their everyday lives.