The answer is C.
The Federal Reserve acts as the Central Bank. And the tool it uses to control the economy is monetary policy and its tools are:
1. Reserve requirements
2. Open market operation
3. Discount rate(interest rate)
The Federal reserve can control the money supply in the eco economy through any of these tools.
For example, if Federal reserve wants to increase the money supply, they can do the following:
a) reducing the interest rate it lends commercial banks money, commercial banks too reduces the interest it charges businesses or households. With lower interest, households and businesses are encouraged to borrow, thereby increasing the money supply and vice-versa.
b) lowering the reserve requirements. Reserve requirement is the minimum balance commercial banks must have with the federal reserves. This is guided by law. Lowering the reserve requirements enable commercial banks to have more money to lend to their customers and vice-versa.
In all, Federal reserve use any of these tools to control money supply that is consistent with their target nominal interest rate.