Positive because her husband doesn’t notice her in her dress , but he does in the work clothes. He also doesn’t notice the change in personality when she changes clothes.
Among the given choices, only the fourth choice has a noun that refers to the specific car. The noun, which is proper, is the Jetsetter Series 4. All the other choices for this item only has common names or nouns that are cars.
I understand the use of Brainly to find the answers to problems, but if the answer is literally given to you in an excerpt to writing and you only need to read it to find what it says, you should do the very little bit of effort it would take to read what it gives you and answer the question...
-To approach the indians is to makr them feel like friends rather than enemies.
-to approach the indians is to allow them to keep living their lives as they wish so long as they cede some of their land to settlers.
-Jefferson's primary goal is improving the welfare of indians by helping them farmers.