Answer: Within the next month you should start to feel fluttering sensations.
Explanation: Maternal perception of fetal movement usually begins 16 to 20 weeks after conception. The earliest reported perception of fetal movements is 7 weeks and the latest is 30 weeks with an average of 19 weeks. Fetal movement should be felt by 16 to 20 weeks. If movement is not felt by the end of that time, then further assessment is necessary.
It shows that it is old not from modern times and it is ancient
The problem is that "Cupid" is now lost (thought to have been destroyed in 1698 in a fire on London), so we only know about the characteristics of Cupid from stories. It is said to have been treated with acidic earth with Michaelangelo at the time, to make it appear older. The cupid was sleeping on a bed-like structure.
It killed more than 1/3 of Europe’s population. Because so many people died there was very little slaves. The slaves moved to cities where they would get payed to work. Because there was no slaves working in homes the manor system in Europe fell apart and cities began to grow.