What comes to mind is salvation although I can't be sure, it makes the most sense.
The Population Registration Act determined people's race classification, which in turn determined the implementation of many other racially based laws. One of the apartheid laws passed in the 1950s was the Group Areas Act, which determined where people of different racial groups could live.
A The Vietnam war costed 58K lives not counting those who got turned into a living vegetable. :/
C Women were fighting for equal pay so the equal pay act was signed in 1963 (I am not very educated in this certain subject)
D Blacks were discriminated systematically and socially the civil rights act of 1964 and voting rights act of 1965 were signed into effect to dismantle systematic racism Social and systematic racism occurs to this day. One example of current systematic racism would be gerrymandering against Hispanic or black communities.
They wanted to gain knowledge
Farm prices plummeted as a result of the massive surpluses that resulted. Corn fell from $1.30 per bushel to 47 cents per bushel between 1919 and 1920, a drop of more than 63 percent.