The primary products of the light independent reactions (after one turn of the cycle) are:
a) two G3P molecules
b) three ADP
c) two NADP+
However ADP and NADP+ are not really "products". They are regenerated and later used again in the Light-dependent reactions. Each G3P molecule is composed of three carbons.
For the Calvin cycle (Light independent cycle) to continue, 5 out of the 6 carbons provided by the two G3P molecules are used to regenerate ribulose 1, 5 phosphate. Therefore there remains only one carbon for the next turn of the cycle.
One molecule of glucose requires 6 turns of the cycle. Any extra G3P is used to make starch, sucrose and cellulose.
Water regulates heat by taking it in during the day and releasing it at night. Heat has a part in weather so they have a part in if their is a drought or not.