Bacteria in our gut help to protect us by crowding out some of their dangerous relatives that can cause disease. Other good bacteria have been used in medicine to create antibiotics, and others still are used in food production to make fermented foods (think sauerkraut, yogurt, kimchi and kombucha.)
Sucrose: glucose + fructose sucrose is a disaccharide made from glucose and fructose
glucose: C(sub 6)H(sub 12)O(sub6)fructose: C(sub 6)H(sub 12)O(sub6)sucrose: C(sub 12)H(sub 22)O(sub 11)a water molecule, H(sub 2)O gets removed which is why there are 2 less hydrogens and one less oxygen
There are three main types of blood vessels:
1)Artery ---
i) It is a blood vessel having a thick wall.
ii) It carries blood from the heart to different parts of the body.
iii) On regulatory demand of the body it can dilate or constrict.
iv) It doesn't contain any valve.
v) All arteries carry oxygenated blood except the pulmonary artery.
2)Vein ---
i) It is a blood vessel having a thin wall.
ii) It brings blood from different parts to the heart.
iii) It can't dilate or constrict under normal conditions.
iv) It contains valves that allow the blood to flow in one direction towards the heart.
v) All veins carry deoxygenated blood except the pulmonary vein.
3)Capillary ---
i) It is a very narrow blood vessel that has very thin walls.
ii) It forms a network throughout the body in all living cells connecting arteries to veins.
iii) It can dilate or constrict according to the requirement of tissue.
iv) It doesn't have any valve.
v) It contains mixed blood as it connects arteries and veins
Most likely, yes! He most likely has inherited features that are similar to his uncle which can be through genes.
Biogeographic isolation is the separation of organisms of a species through geographical or biological forces.