c. Bandura
Albert Bandura is a Social Cognitive Psychologist who is best known for his pioneering work Social Learning Theory, the concept of self-efficacy and he was best known for his Bobo Doll experiment, Observational learning, Social learning, and Self-Efficacy.
- Rollo May
- Abraham Maslow
- Carls rogers
These three were humanistic psychologist best known for their work
Hi! Do you have answer choices? Or do you have to create your own answer(s)?
- limited the freedom of movement of nonwhite citizens
- created separate residential and business districts
- forced the relocation of black residents to rural “homelands”
Apartheid was a policy of social segregation that took place in South Africa between 1948 and 1994, with the rise of the National Party, whose government was composed of a white minority. The country was governed by this minority who adopted since 1948 a policy of racial segregation.
With the strengthening of the regime between the 1960s and 1970s, strong opposition was present. The National Party had as its parameter the ideas of white racial superiority and for the maintenance of its government and that system invested in constant vigilance and repression.
Every time you go to the grocery store, you try to wait in the shortest line. but the lines always seem to be roughly the same length. Everyone else is trying to choose the shortest line, too.
Microeconomics studies the business behavior and decision-making of individuals, households, or firms. More specifically, this area of economics focuses on the interactions between those who buy products (consumers) and those who sell them (producers). They help describe general patterns of behavior.
High-income countries have built grocery stores as a living standard advantage for decades, so even with high growth rates, low-income countries can struggle to catch up.
Learn more about grocery stores at
The correct answer to the question: Which professional tenet has the educator violated? Would be: Protecting students from any practice that harms, or has the potential to harm, students.
The reason for this being the answer comes from the very principle placed in the question: Principle II: Responsibility for Professional Competence: C: The professional educator acts in the best interest of all students.
In this scenario, specifically, the educator finds herself with the situation of a student that she has learned places that student in direct danger. He has to walk home every day and go through a portion of town where gang problems are present. Not only that, but she learns that her student has had to face fights with these gang members on several ocassions, which means that her student has faced not only harm, but the danger of becoming involved with gangs. Instead of acting as she should have professionally, which was to seek the best steps to help the student resolve his issue, she decides to only tell him to be careful and never says anything about the case. This completely violates her duty as a teacher to protect her students and ensure that potential harming situations are dealt with appropriately.