The cochlea contains of tiny stereocilia, or tiny hair cells.
By definition, cochlea is a snail-shaped portion of the inner ear, that belongs to the auditory system. Cochlea receives the vibrating sounds and it causes <em>stereocilia</em> (bundle of tiny hairs, visible in that shape only under the microscope) to move. Then, those vibrations are converted into nerve impulses, and further sent to brain so the received nerves can be processed.
That hearing is an extraordinary process, says the fact that we have over 15000 tiny hair cells! When sounds are too loud for too long, these bundles of <em>stereocilia</em> can be damaged. The damaged hair cells can't respond to sound, which causes noise-induced hearing loss. Since hair cells can’t be repaired or even replaced in humans, hearing loss is often permanent.
The correct answer is letter choice D) The United States believed that the economic aid provided by the Marshall Plan would help contain the spread of Communism.
The Marshall Plan was a law passed after World War II. This plan was introduced by Secretary of State George C. Marshall. This plan was focused around giving money to countries that suffered severe damage during World War II. The goal of providing this money was to help America make allies and to help each country rebuild their infrastructure. This aid to countries like Great Britain and France would help them recover from World War II and would allow them to keep in place their capitalist type system. This means that communism would not spread, achieving America's goal of containment.
It depends On my what aspect you're looking at it from. According to the theories of population growth and resources, Malthus theory states that population growth will cause resources to deplete to a point where resources (earths carrying capacity) are unable to support the population resulting in the Malthusian crisis. When the crisis happens, there will be positive checks in place such as droughts an famines to lower the population until a sustainable number for resource usage. This is supported by many Neo Malthusian theories aka modern interpretations but one main fact is that this was said in the 18 century and back then it was simply an agrarian society.
Hence there was boserup's theory which was based on necessity is the Mother of invention ( I think I got this quote wrong) and that basically when population growth increase there will be more technology and improvements to society to increase resources available for usage. Which is largely supported by the high dependence on agriculture in agriculture and technological advancements over the years such as the green revolution and industrial revolution,
Ultimately I support Malthusian theory as it makes sense that no matter what, population will always be a liability in terms of resource usage.
For a client with a sleep pattern disturbance, the nurse could use to following measure to promoting daytime, Providing a back message, Assisting with progressive relaxation.
Stress management can be greatly aided by relaxation practice. Peace of mind or engaging in a hobby are merely two aspects of relaxation. It is a method that lessens the negative effects of stress on your body and mind. Utilizing relaxation techniques can help you manage daily stress. Additionally, these methods can help with chronic stress or stress connected to different medical issues, such heart disease and discomfort. Relaxation methods may not be a top priority in your life when you are dealing with a lot of obligations and tasks or the demands of a disease.
Learn more about Relaxation here: