Sand or gravel that naturally forms near the Earth's surface is known as aggregate. Option "A" is the correct option among all the options given in the question. Practically aggregate has several type of meanings. In respect to the question given the meaning of aggregate is the combination of several items that are together known as aggregate.
Genghis forged the empire by uniting the nomadic tribes of the Asian steppe and creating a devastatingly effective army based on fast, light, and highly coordinated cavalry. Expert horsemen and archers, the Mongols proved unstoppable, defeating armies in Iran, Russia, Eastern Europe, China, and many other places.
A. True, stronger wind can move alot, including cars....
An atmosphere is the layers of gases surrounding a planet or other celestial body. ... These gases are found in layers (troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, and exosphere) defined by unique features such as temperature and pressure.
The Earth's atmosphere protects and sustains the planet's inhabitants by providing warmth and absorbing harmful solar rays. In addition to containing the oxygen and carbon dioxide, which living things need to survive, the atmosphere traps the sun's energy and wards off many of the dangers of space.
Earth's atmosphere is a thin blanket of gases and tiny particles: together called air. We are most aware of air when it moves and creates wind.