A. It stops the release of eggs from the ovaries.
Emergency contraception stops the process of ovulation or releasing of the egg during pregnancy. It reduces the risk of getting pregnant after having an intercourse.
Despite the hours of sunlight a city receives, the latitude of the city plays a larger role due to the fact that with a higher latitude, the higher the solar angle allowing a city to be much warmer.
What is the difference between Metaphase 1 and Metaphase 2? In Metaphase I, the 'pairs of chromosomes' are arranged on the Metaphase plate while, in the Metaphase II, the 'chromosomes' are arranged on the metaphase plate. In Metaphase I, the spindle fibers get attached to two centromeres of each homologous chromosome.
In metaphase 1 the pairs of chromosomes referred to as bivalents are totally condensed. Moreover the in metaphase 1 of meiosis there is no centromere division whereas in metaphase of mitosis it does. They align on the metaphase plate in between the poles.