a. Ligase
b. Ligase (
it's repeated)
DNA synthesis begins, therefore, by synthesizing a short segment of RNA called a primer, which primer is synthesized by an enzyme called Primasa. Primasa is an RNA polymerase that uses DNA as a template. All fragments of Okazaki begin with a Primer. Subsequently, the DNA polymerase III Holoenzyme performs the synthesis of the corresponding DNA fragment until it reaches the next primer. At that time, DNA polymerase Ia replaces the DNA polymerase Holoenzyme III. The DNA polymerase I is responsible for removing the RNA primer through its 5'P-3'OH exonueotic activity and at the same time fills the hole by synthesizing DNA.
Finally, the two Okazaki fragments have to be joined, it is necessary to link the 3'OH end of a fragment with the 5'P of the next fragment. This work of sealing and joining the successive fragments is done by Ligase.
There are several different processes, including glycolysis and the Calvin Cycle, but the umbrella term for getting energy from glucose is cellular respiration.
The topsoil is the upper and outermost layer of soil, usually the top 2 inches to 8 inches. It contains the highest concentration of organic matter and microorganisms. Topsoil is used as the medium for all plant growth, whether it is a lawn, garden or prairie.
1. In sexual reproduction, more variations are produced. Thus, it ensures survival of species in a population.
2. The new formed individual has characteristics of both the parents.
There are a couple more but i think these are the most important when you compare the two.
Cytochalasin D prevents the addition of monomers at plus ends of existing filaments. When the concentration of G-actin in the cytosol is below the critical concentration, the loss of monomers at <span>minus ends</span> of existing filaments eventually results in their shortening. This occurs despite the pool of available G-actin in the cytosol.