I'm not sure about the answer
During the Elizabethan Era, the social class was divided into six classes as they believe that this is the basis of skills, fame, birth and wealth. During this era, the reactions of the servants' and the musicians' to the death of Juliet would show us that social class, unlike those in the upper classes, those in the lower classes display more maturity spiritually in dealing with death.
The women are going to hide what they have discovered to protect Mrs. Wright.
In this part of the story "Trifles", the two ladies, Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters discovers the real scenario of the murder and about the murderer. They came into the conclusion that they will not disclose this to anyone. They started to cover the birdcage with more quilts to hide the evidence from the eyes of the men. Talking about the bird, Mrs. Hale replied to the Country Attorney that the cat might have eaten it up.