Jacob has the faster time because if you make the fractions equal you would make the denominators equal by rounding 3/4 to have a denominator of 12 making it 9/12 which is larger then 5/12 making Daniel's time slower then Jacob's.
1 step (B): raise both sides of the equation to the power of 2.
2 step (A): simplify to obtain the final radical term on one side of the equation.
3 step (F): raise both sides of the equation to the power of 2 again.
4 step (E): simplify to get a quadratic equation.
5 step (D): use the quadratic formula to find the values of x.
6 step (C): apply the zero product rule.
Additional 7 step: check these solutions, substituting into the initial equation.
To find the perimeter of this blue figure, add together the shown lengths of the six sides.
The three measurements on the top have the LCD 4, so we combine 14 3/4, 4 2/4 and 8 2/4. The sum is 26 7/4, or 27 3/4, or 27.75.
The three measurements on the bottom share the LCD 5, so we can immediately combine them, obtaining 32 8/5, or 33 3/5, or 33.60.
Combining 27.75 and 33.60 results in 61.35, or 61 35/100, or 61 7/20.
The perimeter of the given figure is 61 7/20.
What are the following rates?