Pound was influenced here by the Japanese haiku form, which utilises images from nature to connect the momentary with the timeless, the miniature with the transcendent. The idea of people's faces being like 'petals' suggests their fragility and the brevity of life
Hi Thaddeush13,
Biases - " lacking a neutral viewpoint, or not having an open mind".
The potential biases that could hapen in this experiment are different intakes or types of coffee. For Example, Cold, Hot, Caramel. And each as a different size. Sugar intake is also another problem here.
II and IV
Why the II can't explain that:
There aren't educated laborers, cause the multinational companies uses the first labourers they found, so the average of them is not always qualified, and the most of them is poor and have not get an instruction.
Why the III can't explain that: In some parts of Africa and Asia, where labourers mine,work or do other things for multinational companies, the industries are not developed at all, and in case the companies their self had to develop ones in those territories
essay below
Government plays a large factor in today's society and has a lot of control over it. Government should be monitoring and changing today's society in a positive way.
The first souce indicates that the government allowed children to work in dangerous conditions, and it was unhealthy as a whole towards everyone who worked there. This was later changed after laws were passed.
The second source shows food insecurity among Inuit Children, the government is needed in areas like these to help support their civilians.
The third source shows equality towards all, now while this is not present throughout the societies of the world and sometimes even governments, this is something that the government should contribute in.
Overall, I suggest that the government should be helping modify today's society and it's problems, such as homelessness, going hungry, healthcare, worker's rights, etc.