You have a choice here - either convert the fractions to decimals if you have a calculator or just know the values, or convert the decimals to fractions and find the common denominator. Here I will do both to illustrate it.
Let's get all the numbers mentioned here, -2/3, -1/5, 0.4, and 2.
Firstly, decimals: -2/3 = -0.666... -1/5 = -0.2
Secondly, and slightly more complicated, fractions: 0.4 = 4/10 2 = 20/10 (for the sake of using the same denominator)
Now we need to find a common denominator for all of the fractions The lowest common multiple of 3 5 and 10 is 30, so lets put them all over 30: -1/5 = -6/30 -2/3 = -20/30 4/10 = 12/30 2 = 60/30
Now we can see the numbers more clearly, which shows us the the correct answer is D