3. What is the nature of the individual? What is the basis for social order? What are the circumstances under which societies change?
Sociology builds upon theories developed by key authors :
Auguste Comte, Emilie Durkheim, Karl Marx, Pareto, Spencer, etc.
They first studied the nature of the individual and its relation to a social group.
As groups coming together to survive, a society forms, and relationships with individuals and social groups often is increasingly complex.
As time passes, societies will evolve, or perish, and so social change occurs as time and circumstances mostly based on the production needs and demands (would Marx argue) to lead to further social changes.
The social order arises as labor becomes specialized, and thus the main focus of sociologists is how the social order forms and changes, its power dynamics and so on.
The social change occurs inevitably because society is often portrayed to a living organism that experiences changes in the environments and needs to adapt, transforming and ultimately evolving.
- On average, a member of the U.S. House currently represents 710,000 residents.
- Shifts in population may result in a gain, loss, or maintenance in the number of representatives allocated to a particular state.
The United States Congress is the federal body responsible for the legislative power of the country, that is, it is through this organ that all laws in force in the country were established, debated, voted, edited and approved. The congress is divided into two legislative chambers the Senate and the House of Representatives. The Senate has more significant power within the Congress, although the House of Representatives has less power, it is this chamber that represents the residents of each American state. Currently (2019), on average, a US House member represents 710,000 residents. In addition, changes in population may result in gain, loss or maintenance in the number of representatives allocated in a specific state.
The fifteenth century was an exciting time in Europe. People became more interested in the world around them. The invention of movable type helped spread information and new ideas. Artists and writers flourished. At the same time, nations saw trade as a way of increasing their wealth. Merchants dreamed of new sources for goods such as gold and spices. For centuries, Arab traders had controlled existing trade routes to Africa and Asia, which meant European merchants were forced to buy from Italian traders at high prices. They wanted to trade directly with Africa and Asia, but this meant that they had to find a new sea route. The stakes were high. Whoever succeeded in establishing trade relationships would in all likelihood become rich and achieve great famefor himself and for his country. However, exploration of this nature was very dangerous business. Superstitions persisted about what lay beyond Africa’s Cape of Good Hope, as no European had even seen the west coast of Africa beyond the Sahara. There were no maps or charts and very little knowledge of winds or currents.
Since the Portuguese were at peace and not locked in war the way France and England were, they became the first to accept the challenge of sailing uncharted waters, thanks to Prince Henry, who became known as Prince Henry the Navigator. Though Prince Henry did not sail himself, he made it possible for others to do so. He set up a center for exploration where interested people could share their knowledge of geography. Here they learned all they could about maps and navigation, including the use of the magnetic compass and the astrolabe. Portuguese shipbuilders developed a new kind of ship called a caravel, which could sail into the wind as well as with the wind. Armed with this knowledge, Portugal led the way. During the 1440s, brave sailors set sail and explored the African coast farther than ever before. In 1488 Bartholomeu Dias managed to sail around the southern tip of Africa, only to turn back because the crew was afraid to continue. Ten years later, Vasco da Gama completed the voyage around Africa and on to India. These accomplishments paved the way for others to explore and reach the riches of Asia. Even more important, Prince Henry’s sailors overcame the fear of the unknown and led the way for others to turn westward to the Atlantic and the Americas, where eventually the small settlement of Jamestown would be born.
The term knowledge is best defined as information or experience that we believe to be true and for which we have justification.
This ultimately implies that, knowledge is any information or experience that an individual possesses and it can be proven beyond reasonable doubt that, it is factual, true and justified.
Basically, knowledge is typically considered to either be practical understanding of a topic (implicit) or a theoretical understanding of a topic (explicit).
According to Plato who was a famous philosopher, he said knowledge is a justified true belief.