There is a similarity between life and sports, Good sportsmanship covers many features of a man’s character : 1) Respect. The good sportsman respects both his teammates and his opponents as equals. 2) Integrity. A win that does not come fairly holds no satisfaction for him. 3) Honesty. Honesty in his dealings with opponents, because he treats them the way he wants to be treated. 4) Unselfishness. His desire to see all his teammates participate and enjoy the game. 5) Humbleness. Humble in his victories, and has the proper perspective on his losses. In short, the qualities that go in to making a good man are the same ones that contribute to being a great sportsman.
It would be everyone's best interest for Carla to bring this major outright fellony to the attention of her boss or other appreciate supervisor quietly letting them know she needed the file for the continuation of work, hopefully it was necessary for employer. I think too and often others in society have not developped moral and stay stuck in serving their own immediate action interest.
Vertebral arch is the correct answer
Relax... Your mouth does not have the vasculature that would allow you to bleed out. By this time some healing should have formed but it would still be a raw wound. The best thing you should do is press gauze on the wound, as well as put some alcohol, just to keep out infection. Just see your doctor in the morning.
Your mouth if anything should be fine.
It is the aorta. It is the biggest and the main artery