C. Information found in charts, graphs, and videos can be used in your argument.
An infinitive is a verb not attached to a particular object or tense
so yes it is B
Overeating, a weight problem was developed. D
The doctor examined the X-ray in the lab coat. M
As their name suggests, modifiers are used in a sentence to modify another word, giving further information about it.
A dangling modifier is a modifier that does not refer to anything specific in the sentence, which makes it ambiguous. In the sentence "Overeating, a weight problem was developed," we do not know to whom or what "overeating" refers. To correct it, we must specify the word it modifies. For example:
- Due to his overeating, a weight problem was developed. → "overeating" refers to "he" or "him"
A misplaced modifier is simply a modifier whose position in the sentence is too far from the word it modifies, which makes it ambiguous as well. To correct it, all we need to do is change its location. In the sentence "The doctor examined the X-ray in the lab coat," "in the lab coat" is misplaced. Let's correct it:
- The doctor in the lab coat examined the X-ray.
Compound is chemical substance made by the combination of molecules or atoms in a fixed ratio and can not be broken down to its constituents.