Locus of Control
Locus of Control is a control for situations or external influences, in this particular example, Kristin has no choice of brand, but her department use a software that only works with Apple computers, in this case, she needs an Apple computer for this external factor, when someone wants to buy a new car, is this person live in a mountain, he cannot buy a small car, he needs a 4x4.
1 for i = 1 to A.length
2 if A[i] = nu
3 return i
4 return NIL
Loop invariant:
At the start of each iteration of the for loop of lines 1-3, there is no j<i such that A[j]=ν.
At the beginning of the first iteration, we have i=1, so there is no j<i such that A[j]=ν.
We fix i and assume there is no j<i such that A[j]=ν.
If A[i]=ν, then we return a value, so then there are no more iterations, so the property is preserved.
If A[i]≠ν, then there is no j<i+1 such that A[j]=ν, which is the desired property for the next step.
The loop terminates either for i=A.length+1, or if ever we encounter A[i]=ν.
In the first case, then there is no 1≤j≤A.length such that A[j]=ν, and we are correctly returning NIL
In the second case, if we encounter some i such that A[i]=ν, we are correctly returning i.
the action of working with someone to produce or create something.
Collaboration is the process of two or more people, entities or organizations working together to complete a task or achieve a goal. Collaboration is similar to cooperation. Most collaboration requires leadership, although the form of leadership can be social within a decentralized and egalitarian group.
See explaination
Diverse Subset Problem is NP: When presented with a set of k customers, it can be checked in polynomial time that you wont at any time have two customers in the set have ever bought the same product.
Independent Set is known to be NP-complete.
Independent Set ?P Diverse Subset Problem: Suppose we have a black box for Diverse Subset Problem and want to solve an instance of Independent Set. For our Independent Set Problem, we have a graph G=(V,E) and a number k, and need to find out if G contains an independent set of size (at least) k. We need to reduce the Independent Set Problem to a Diverse Subset Problem. We do this by constructing an array where each v in V is a customer and each e in E is a product, and customer v purchased every product e for which the product edge e touches the customer node v. Then we ask the black box for the Diverse Subset Problem if there is a subset of k customers that is diverse.
The black box for the Diverse Subset Problem will return.