The organs- thymus, tonsil, appendix and spleen constructs the lymphatic organ system and the lymph nodule is the collection of small lymphoid tissue.
The most significant part of immune and vascular system is the Lymphatic system. This system is consisted of some organs, like- spleen, thymus, tonsil and appendix, mainly named as lymphatic organs. These organs contribute to the function of defend in the immune system.
Lymph nodules, however, are the collective small lymphoid tissue. These nodules are found in the area that is exposed to microorganism and it helps in fighting them.
They did it to get more detailed pictures of space
Answer: Loess is the fine grained material that has been transported and deposited by the wind. The answer is <u>A.</u>
Since the wind can carry these types of material (find grained) father than sand, and also higher up, they are generally found very far from their original place of origin.
Loess is no larger than 50 micrometers in size. It is coarse in texture like clay, but finer than a grain of salt.
environmental factors do not affect a species